Sunday, May 6, 2012

Beautiful Ladies!

Day 10

I have to tell you about my wonderful hairdresser and her assistant!

Naomi is on the left-in the pink dress.  What a wonderful, wonderful creative gal she is!  She is so full of spunk and beauty.  I had the privilege of meeting her dad, sisters, and niece.  Her niece was getting confirmed on Sunday and they were all in town for the ceremony.

Miss Mandy is in the middle!  Isn't she just glowing with baby and her beautiful hair?

Cecilia is on the end.  She is Naomi's assistant.  She is the best hair washer on the face of the earth!  That is my favorite part of my salon trips and I just want to sigh with contentment just thinking about it.
She also lives away from her family and has to plan for a long trips home.

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