Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Day Picture Challenge

I found a fun project for the next month.  SO why the heck  not start it right smack in the middle of the month?

The first picture has to be a self-portrait.  As most photographers go we like to be BEHIND the camera instead of in Front of it.

The first picture was a "challenge."  I have a great 50 mm fixed Canon lens that puts amazing pictures.  So I set up my tripod and remote shutter control and clicked away.

Here's what I came up with!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Throwback

I meant to post these on Sunday but I forgot.  Whoops.

These are from 2006.

And Tyler still got excited on Easter morning...

And Clayton was just realizing how magical finding Easter eggs can be.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Photo Schoolin'

Over the last few years I've taken a couple of photo class so I thought I'd share what we shot.

I took a basics class first so I could "get to know" my camera a little bit better.  The digital SLR's have so many menus and options it's hard to know where everything is on every camera.

We didn't do much portraiture in this class; mostly still life.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We saw this guy on our morning game drive while visiting the Nkomazi Game Reserve over Christmas break.  He is just breathtaking!  And the light was exquisite.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Is there something in my hair?

We went with the family over Christmas to the Bush-babies Monkey Reserve.  This little guy made his rounds.  At lease I didn't end up with him while he was eating a crusty sweet potato.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Something tasty from home.

167 days left to go.

Here is something oh so tasty from home. I haven't made Ro-tel dip in a couple years!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mmmmm coffee!

I know this looks like an "ordinary" cup of joe but here in South Africa you can get a cappuccino, latte, mocha or various other warm yummies at almost every restaurant.  The best part is their only around 20 rand (about 2 American dollars)!

Let's add it to the list of things I'm gonna miss.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Things I Am Going to Miss

What a crazy few months it's been! Now that I am feeling better and done with my class I can enjoy my last six months here in South Africa before we head home on June 28!

As we tick the days away, there is 171 left, here a few things that  am going to miss...

Yummy blueberry granola from Wolworth's.  It reminds me of the "bunches" in Honey Bunches of Oats.